
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2023

what is Parkinson's disease

“There are some facts you should know about Parkinson's disease. Starting from the cause of Parkinson's due to damage to the brain's nerve cells, to its cure with three types of therapy.” Thedoctormedical , united states – Parkinson's disease is a disease of the nervous system that interferes with the body's ability to function. Especially in controlling movement and balance. This disease was discovered by James Parkinson in 1817 and affects about 10-25 people out of every 10,000 people. This condition can cause a number of symptoms. Examples include tremors, muscle stiffness, and impaired coordination of body movements. So, to raise awareness about this disease, there are a number of Parkinson's facts that you need to know. 7 Facts About Parkinson's Disease Here are some facts about Parkinson's disease that you need to know: 1. The cause is unknown Until now, experts do not know what exactly causes Parkinson's. However, experts suspect that this con

The Function of the Oral Cavity in the Human Digestive System

“The oral cavity is the first organ of the digestive tract. In this section, two digestive processes take place, namely chemical and mechanical. The oral cavity has the function of chewing, chemically processing food, and channeling food into the stomach. Thedoctormedical, united states – The mouth has such an important role in life. Without this organ, it will be very difficult for you to chew food before it enters the stomach. In addition, communication is certainly more difficult without the oral cavity. However, do you know what are the parts and functions of the mouth? Anatomy and Function of the Mouth in Humans You can see directly the parts of the mouth starting from the forefront, namely the lips, teeth, gums, and tongue. However, the actual anatomy or parts of the mouth do not end there. The structure of the mouth and its function is divided into two, namely the front or anterior and the back or posterior side. The back of the mouth is the meeting point between the front oral

Anaerobic Benefits for the Body

 “Unlike aerobics, anaerobic movements are usually more intense and require a lot of energy. This exercise is effective for improving fitness, slimming the waist, and helping to prevent diabetes.” Thedoctormedical , united states – Anaerobic exercise is a type of high-intensity exercise, which makes the cardiovascular system unable to send oxygen to the muscles quickly. Hearing this, maybe you think that this sport is dangerous. However, make no mistake, this activity can actually increase endurance and muscle strength. So, if you want to try high-intensity exercise that effectively drains energy, anaerobic might be an option. What are the Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise? In a way, anaerobic is the older brother of aerobic exercise. Generally the movements are similar to aerobics but more intense and require more energy. Anaerobic exercise includes sprinting , lifting weights, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and plyometric training. So, here are the benefits of anaerobic for bo

Therapies to Treat Amyotrophic Lateral Scleros

 "ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a disease that occurs due to disturbances in the motor nerves. This disease cannot be cured completely. However, drug consumption and therapy need to be taken to prevent the disease from worsening and reduce the risk of complications." Thedoctormedical , united states – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) occurs because there is a motor nerve disorder, so it is also known as a motor nerve disease. Als specifically attacks the brain and spinal cord which function to control muscle movement. This condition should not be underestimated, because over time the condition of the sufferer can get worse and even risk experiencing paralysis. Initially, this condition is characterized by muscle twitching, speech disturbances, and muscle weakness. If not handled properly, the risk of severity and complications due to nerve damage will be higher. Over time, the nerves will be further damaged and cause people with als to experience a decrease and e

how to gain weight for teenagers

 "To gain weight in adolescents, they can try to increase their calorie intake and do physical exercise. For example, lifting weights to support muscle growth or mass.” Thedoctormedical, united states – Adolescent growth occurs rapidly. This is in line with nutritional needs to support the development of bones, muscles and organs. If not enough, they can experience underweight. Another factor, namely solid activity. Teenagers often have busy schedules, including school, assignments, extracurricular activities, and socializing. This lack of time and fatigue can affect his diet. Tips for Increasing Teen Weight Gaining teenage weight requires a healthy and balanced approach. Here are ways that help teens gain weight effectively: 1. Consumption of foods of high nutritional value Mothers need to pay attention to food and child nutrition . Be sure to choose foods that are rich in nutrients, including complex carbohydrates (whole-grain bread, rice, pasta), protein (meat, fish, eggs, dair

How to Recognize Meningitis Symptoms?

Thedoctormedical  , united states - Bacteria are one of the common causes that can cause someone to get sick, both in mild and severe forms. One type of serious illness that can occur due to bacteria is meningitis . This disorder is fairly vulnerable to children and can cause dangerous complications. One way to get early treatment is to know the symptoms of meningitis when they first occur. Here's the review! Common Symptoms of Meningitis Meningitis is inflammation that occurs in the meninges, which are the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. This disease can occur when the fluid around the meninges becomes infected with bacteria and viruses. A person can get this disease when the sufferer coughs, sneezes, or has close contact. Liquids released from the mouth can be inhaled and enter the body and eventually bacteria spread the infection. People with meningitis need to get fast treatment so that it can be successfully treated. Therefore, it is important to know some of t

the dangers of sleep deprivation

Thedoctormedical , united states - To support the growth of a child's body , sleep is as important as nutrition and exercise. It is undeniable that sleep has a very large role for the health, development and well-being of children. Adequate sleep will help children stay healthy, grow, learn, and do well in school. Physically, sleep will help restore their bodies, improve brain function and mental health. Children of all ages need enough sleep so they can play, study and concentrate all day long. Mothers should not let children sleep less, because this will have a big impact on children, both behaviorally, mentally and emotionally. Most children don't get enough sleep because they are often busy with school, study, sports and other activities, therefore mothers must also prioritize sleep needs for children. Bad Effects of Sleep Deprived Children Sleep deprivation problems in children are some of the most common problems faced by parents. If children do not get enough sleep over

side effects after liposuction

 “There are some side effects that may occur after undergoing a liposuction procedure. These include hematomas, infection, swelling and bruising, and changes in skin sensation.” Thedoctormedical , united states – Liposuction or liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that uses a suction technique. This medical procedure aims to remove fat from certain areas of the body. For example, stomach, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. Through liposuction, someone who is overweight can also shape (contour) the area. Although liposuction can provide satisfactory results in terms of fat loss, it is important for those of you who are interested in undergoing this procedure to understand the side effects that may occur afterward. Possible Side Effects After Liposuction Liposuction is one of the popular procedures for removing unwanted body fat. Although it has significant aesthetic benefits, it is important to understand the side effects that may occur after liposuction. Infection, hematoma

how to treat gingivitis

  Thedoctormedical,  united states – Inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis in medical terms. This disease occurs due to inflammation of the gums which causes swelling, gum discoloration, bad breath, and bleeding when brushing your teeth. This disease should not be taken lightly because if left unchecked, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis . How to Treat Gingivitis at Home? Gingivitis is triggered by plaque buildup due to food residue on the teeth. That's why it's recommended that you brush your teeth regularly, especially in the morning and at night. If you have gingivitis, here are some independent treatments that you can do at home: 1. Gargle Salt Water Salt water can soothe inflamed gums, reduce pain, eliminate bacteria, remove food debris, and reduce bad breath. Mix warm water and salt to taste, then stir until smooth. Use the salt water made for gargling for 30 seconds and spit it out. Repeat 2-3 times per day for maximum results. Avoid using it too often an

Vagina Shapes

  “Every woman has a different vaginal shape. You don't have to worry if your labia are too wide or even hanging out of your underwear. As long as the condition is painless and causes discomfort, a different vaginal shape is normal." Thedoctormedical , united states - Every woman has a different vagina , both in terms of size, color and smell. Sometimes these different conditions trigger concerns because they think the vagina is different than the others.  Actually the difference in shape and smell of the vagina as long as it doesn't cause pain or discomfort, everything is normal. Therefore, let's know the various forms of the vagina in women here.  Various Shapes of the Vagina One of the most striking differences from the vagina is the shape of the labia or “lips of the vagina”. There are two parts to the labia, the first is the labia majora, while the lips in the vagina which usually open the way to the vaginal opening are called the labia minora. Each woman has dif

Benefits of Playing Music for Children's Brain Development

 “When playing music, children are required to focus, listen to notes, and play instruments according to the sheet music. This makes the brain work harder, so it affects brain development.” Thedoctormedical , united states – Playing music is one of the activities that many children like. The tones produced by music can elevate mood and play an important role in helping children learn. So, if your little one starts to show interest in music, it is very important for the mother to support him. The reason is, playing music can improve brain development and cognitive function of children. Benefits of Playing Music for Brain Development 1. Increase intelligence quotient (IQ) Sound waves affect brain waves which then help children to access their intelligence. This is related to better understanding. Thus exposure to sound and musical composition helps to ignite brain waves, which in turn results in higher intelligence. This was proven in a study by the University of Toronto, Canada. In this

signs of excess blood sugar

“There are a number of signs that can indicate that a person has excess blood sugar. For example, such as feeling hungry easily, slower body movements, to the emergence of pain in the legs. Thedoctormedical , united states – Normal blood sugar levels are around 70-100 mg/dL before eating. Whereas after eating it should be less than 180mg/dL. If blood sugar levels exceed normal levels in general, a person experiences what is called hyperglycemia.  You should not underestimate this condition. This is because high blood sugar levels are the main cause of diabetes. In order to anticipate it from the start, it's important to know what are the signs of excess blood sugar. How to know High Blood Sugar? It's best to pay attention to some of the signs that indicate someone has excess blood sugar, namely: 1. Easily Hungry Basically, the condition of type 1 and 2 diabetes can both mess up glucose levels. Experts say, this is what can cause a cycle of hunger when the body is trying to retu

6 ways to deal with bad breath

 “Bad breath or halitosis often occurs not only because you don't maintain the cleanliness and health of your teeth and mouth, but also because of certain medical conditions. This article discusses the risk factors for bad breath and how to effectively deal with this health problem.” Thedoctormedical, united states – Bad breath or halitosis is a very disturbing health problem. Apart from reducing self-confidence, this problem can also interfere with social activities because it makes the sufferer feel uncomfortable. So, what are the causes of bad breath and how to deal with it? What Causes Bad Breath? Before knowing how to deal with  bad breath , it is important to identify the cause first. There are several factors that can cause bad breath, the main ones being problems with the teeth and mouth, such as cavities and gum problems. In addition, halitosis can also occur due to certain health conditions, such as: Diabetes. Heart trouble. Respiratory tract infections such as chronic br

How to Calculate Normal Pulse Rate

"A normal pulse indicates that the heart organ in the body has done its job properly. Meanwhile, a pulse that is too fast or too slow can indicate certain conditions" Thedoctormedical,  united states – The pulse indicates the frequency of the arteries (clean blood vessels) to expand and contract in one minute in response to the heartbeat. Through the pulse, you can also find out your heart rate, heart rhythm, and heart strength. So, knowing a normal pulse can tell whether the heart is working properly. Number of Normal Heartbeats per Minute Everyone's pulse rate will vary. This depends on several factors that can influence. In general, the following is the normal number of pulses per minute according to age: Infants up to 1 year old: 100-160 times per minute. Children aged 1-10 years: 70-120 times per minute. Children aged 11-17 years: 60-100 times per minute. Adults: 60-100 times per minute. The normal pulse rate in infants and children tends to be higher than that of ad

what is a phobia and what causes it

 “A phobia is an irrational fear of something that can involve various objects or situations. This fear not only makes the sufferer avoid certain objects, but also causes physical symptoms when facing the feared object, such as cold sweat, shortness of breath, paleness, anxiety, and even loss of consciousness. Thedoctormedical, united states – Phobia is an excessive and disproportionate fear of a particular object, animal, situation or activity. The basic difference between ordinary fear and phobia is the intensity and excessive fear experienced by sufferers. Examples of common phobias include a phobia of heights, spiders and public places. What's the Cause ? Excessive fear can happen to anyone, generally appearing in someone from childhood, adolescence, until entering the age of more than 30 years. Most people can probably overcome the fear they feel. However, for others, the fear will cause physical symptoms and interfere with daily activities.  According to the type, the followi

Causes of Right-sided Lumbago

“There are several conditions or diseases that can cause right-sided lumbar pain as a symptom. One of them is a serious condition such as narrowing of the spine.” Thedoctormedical , united states – Right lumbar pain is a common complaint. Generally, muscle injuries due to wrong position when sleeping, moving, or sitting are the main cause. This condition can make the sufferer experience pain to the point of interfering with daily activities. However, most back pain can heal by itself. As a result, many people often underestimate this condition. In fact, you shouldn't underestimate right-sided lower back pain. Even though it seems mild and can heal on its own, right lumbar pain can be an indication of a number of serious health conditions. Causes of Right-sided Lumbago There are several factors or diseases that can be the cause of right lower back pain, namely: 1. Constriction of the Spine Right lumbar pain can appear as a sign of narrowing of the spine. This condition can occur for

what is the Anatomy of the Female Reproductive Organs and Their Functions

“Reproductive organs have a very important role to support survival as well as being one of the efforts to prevent extinction. However, the female reproductive organs are certainly not the same as the male reproductive organs. Thedoctormedical,  united states – The female reproductive organs play a role as a way to maintain offspring. There are two parts to the female reproductive organs that you need to know, namely the inside and outside. The internal reproductive organs cannot be seen directly, while the outer reproductive organs can be seen directly. Get to know the Anatomy of the Female Reproductive Organs As previously mentioned, there are two types of female reproductive organs, namely internal and external organs. The following is an explanation for each part of the organ: External reproductive organs The outer female reproductive organs or known as the genitals have the main function as a pathway for sperm to enter. In addition, the outer area of ​​the reproductive organs also