
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2023

5 Causes of Emotions Not

 “Uncontrolled emotions can be a very disturbing problem for mental health and social relationships. However, there are many factors that can affect your ability to control your emotions.” Thedoctormedical , united states– Uncontrolled emotions refer to rapid and often excessive mood swings. Meanwhile, strong emotions or feelings occur, such as laughing or crying, so they become uncontrollable or irritable. These strong emotions are sometimes expressed excessively unconsciously and just flow. When a person is emotionally unstable, emotions can get out of control. Emotional instability can stem from chemical imbalances in the brain, such as a decrease in serotonin, as well as fluctuations in dopamine and serotonin levels. Environmental causes can also create emotional instability. Factors such as grief and loss, abuse, abandonment, and separation can all contribute to emotional instability. Causes of Uncontrollable Emotions Uncontrolled emotions can be a bothersome problem for many peop

7 Facts about diabetes

“Diabetes is a disease that often occurs and has claimed many lives. Awareness related to prevention, and proper management is essential to reduce the risk of complications and improve well-being for people with diabetes.” Thedoctormedical , united states– Diabetes is a common disease in society. This diabetes can cause various other complications, such as erectile dysfunction. However, there are several other facts about this disease that not many people know about. Knowing the facts can increase understanding of diabetes and aid in the prevention and management of this condition. Check out the explanation! Facts About Diabetes You Must Know Some revealing facts about diabetes that are still rarely known. 1. Not Only Happens to Parents One common assumption is that diabetes only occurs in the elderly or those who are old. However, in reality, this disease can occur in anyone, including children and adolescents. Type 1 diabetes, which usually occurs at a young age, involves a disorder

How to Basic Techniques for Doing Backstroke Swimming

“To do the backstroke, you need to master some basic techniques. Among them are the back straight above the water and the position of the elbows and arms." Thedoctormedical  , united states– Backstroke swimming, or backstroke swimming, is one of the most common swimming styles. When swimming the backstroke, the body is in a supine position on the surface of the water and the movement of the legs and arms is used to move the body forward. Actually, swimming this style will be the easiest swimming technique from other swimming techniques. To get the maximum benefit, of course you need to know some of the basic techniques for swimming the following backstroke! What is the Backstroke Swimming Technique? As the name implies, the backstroke is done with the back as the base. However, this technique is much more than just floating in water. 1. Body position Body position should be straight and flat on the surface of the water. Why is that? This is because maintaining this position allows

what is vertigo and what causes it

"Vertigo is a disorder characterized by the sensation of spinning around. This condition can be caused by diseases, such as labyrinthitis, vestibular nuritis and cholesteatoma." Thedoctormedical , united states- Have you ever felt suddenly dizzy as if everything around you was spinning, even though nothing was happening? If you have experienced it, then you need to be vigilant because this can be a symptom of vertigo. Symptoms of vertigo can be mild and do not interfere with activities. However, some people can also experience vertigo that is so severe that it interferes with daily activities. Recognize Vertigo Symptoms Vertigo can attack humans with various reactions, from mild dizziness that appears periodically to severe and lasts long enough to even make the sufferer unable to carry out activities. Vertigo is described as feeling dizzy like spinning, the head feels tilted, feels swaying, unbalanced, and feels like it is being pulled in one direction. Other symptoms incl

cause of pain

  Thedoctormedical  , united states- Bacteria, viruses, and germs are several types of microorganisms that cause disease in the human body. Well, to counteract it all, the body has an immune system to fight off their attacks. Not only that, the immune system is also able to ward off several types of other, more serious diseases such as hepatitis or organ infections. Unfortunately, not always the immune system can counteract it all. There are times when your immune system is weak so you will easily get sick and make your body feel unfit. In order to avoid disease attacks, whether it's a mild illness or even a severe one, you must know the causes of a weak immune system. Causes of weak immune disease, among others: 1. Lack of exercise One of the causes of weak immunity is a lack of physical activity such as sports. According to a study, it is also stated that regular exercise can help the function of neutrophils, namely a type of white blood cell that kills disease-causing microorgan

10 ways to deal with frequent urination

“Too frequent urination can be a sign of health problems. The way to deal with it is by avoiding triggers, being active, managing stress well, limiting water intake and doing Kegel exercises." Thedoctormedical, united states– The frequency or level of frequent urination varies from person to day. This depends on the amount of fluid intake and the performance of the kidney organs in processing the excess. Normally, the frequency of urination ranges from 6 to 8 times within 24 hours. If you drink too much, especially before going to bed at night, or get caffeine intake, of course the frequency of urination will increase. What Causes Frequent Urination? However, if you don't drink much or don't get caffeine intake, but the frequency of urination is reduced, this can be an indication of a health problem. Here are some conditions that cause frequent urination: 1. Urinary tract infection (UTI) According to a book entitled Urinary Tract Infection by StatPearls Publishing (2023),

how to maintain kidney health

 "Kidneys are organs that have a very important function for the body because they filter blood from waste and dispose of it through urine. If there is a problem with the kidneys, it is not impossible that someone will experience serious health problems. Fortunately, there are many simple ways to maintain kidney function." Thedoctormedical , united states- The kidneys are fist-sized organs located at the bottom of the ribs, on both sides of the spine. This organ has a function that is quite important for the body. The two kidneys function to filter waste products, excess water, and other impurities from the blood. These waste products are then stored in the bladder and then excreted in the urine. In addition, the kidneys also regulate the levels of pH, salt, and potassium in the body. They also produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and control red blood cell production. The kidneys are also responsible for activating a form of vitamin D which helps the body absorb cal

what are drugs and their dangers

“Drugs are illegal drugs of many kinds. Starting from morphine, LSD, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and opium, they are all examples of narcotics that have different effects.” Thedoctormedical , united states- Narkoba is an abbreviation of narcotics and drugs. At first certain drugs were used for medical needs. Because these drugs can actually provide positive benefits if used according to medical procedures. Doctors usually use it as a painkiller. Unfortunately, there are some people who even abuse it.   Meanwhile, narcotics are substances or drugs that are natural, synthetic, or semi-synthetic. Narcotics can cause a decrease in consciousness, hallucinations, and excitability. The dangerous thing about drug use outside of medical procedures is that it can lead to addiction. Examples of Narcotics that Need to be Recognized Substances contained in drugs are substances that can have a bad impact on health if misused.  According to the Law on Narcotics, the types are divided into 3 groups, b

function of the human tongue

"Each part of the tongue's anatomy has a different function in producing sounds and tasting tastes. Because of this important function, you need to maintain the health of these organs every day!" TheDoctormedical , united states– The tongue is an organ that is located in the mouth and plays an important role in various aspects of daily life. This organ is involved in the process of speaking and tasting. Not only that, the tongue also plays a role in digestive function. Come on, get to know more about the anatomy of the tongue and how this small organ has a tremendous influence on our lives! Parts of the Tongue The tongue consists of several parts, each of which has its own function. Here are the parts of the tongue that you need to know: 1. Base The base is located at the back of the mouth, close to the throat. Its function is to help swallow food and direct it to the esophagus. 2. Body This main part of the tongue is the most visible and has many important functions. Sta

sign of pregnancy

"The characteristics of pregnancy in the first week that you need to pay attention to are the appearance of a feeling of bloating, stomach cramps accompanied by blood spots, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and changes in the breasts." Thedoctormedical , united states– The characteristics of being pregnant in the first week often don't feel significant, so many expectant mothers don't realize it. So, so that mothers don't miss the moment of their little one's presence in the stomach, know the signs of the first week of pregnancy. This may sound strange to expectant mothers, but the first week of pregnancy is actually not happening. This is because pregnancy is counted for 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstruation (HPHT). A new pregnancy occurs only when the body releases an egg from the ovary which usually occurs between the end of the 2nd week or the beginning of the 3rd week. Know the Signs of Pregnancy or the Characteristics of Pregnancy The ovulati

Myths and Facts About Stroke that You Need to Know

“There are many myths about stroke, one of which is the myth that stroke cannot be prevented. In fact, stroke can be prevented through healthy lifestyle changes and managing risk factors.” Thedoctormedical , united states– Ordinary people who are still young often ask questions about what is a stroke and what causes it. Stroke is a medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted or reduced due to a blockage. In addition, it could also be due to rupture of blood vessels. This disease is a serious disease and can be fatal. However, there are many myths circulating around this disease, so it can confuse the common people. To find out the myths and facts about stroke, continue reading this article! Myths and Facts About Stroke The following are myths and facts about stroke that need to be understood: 1. Myth: Strokes only happen to older people. Fact: Although strokes are more common in older people (elderly), in fact, strokes can be experienced in people of a

Main Factors of HIV Transmission that are Rarely Aware

"AIDS is still a serious health problem with a high risk of death. It is very important to know what are the main factors for HIV transmission so that we can reduce the death rate from this disease" Thedoctormedical - united states– Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are as many as 38.4 million people worldwide infected with the HIV virus in 2021. At least, as many as 650 thousand people have lost their lives due to HIV transmission for which there is no cure to date. HIV is a virus that damages the immune system by infecting and destroying CD4 cells (a type of white blood cell). The more CD4 cells destroyed, the weaker the immune system. As a result, a person will be more susceptible to various diseases. However, you need to pay attention that HIV is different from AIDS. HIV is the virus. Meanwhile, an HIV infection that does not receive immediate treatment can develop into Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a serious and life-threatening

How to treat dental caries?

" There are many medical and home treatment options for dental caries. It is important to treat it immediately so the damage does not get worse.” Thedoctormedical,  united states- Dental caries are small holes that form on the tooth surface. These small holes can develop into cavities if left untreated. The cause of this condition is the bacterium  Streptococcus mutans  , which produces acid from sugar, forms plaque, and causes loss of minerals from tooth enamel.  This erosion causes small holes in the tooth enamel over time. Then, after the acid damage has spread to the layers of dentin beneath the enamel, a cavity or hole can form.  Medical Treatment for Dental Caries Many dental problems, even deep cavities, develop without pain or other symptoms. Regular dental check-ups are the best way to detect dental caries before it gets worse If you are diagnosed with dental caries, some of the treatments at the dentist that are commonly performed are: 1.Fluoride Treatment Professional f

what is Lordosis and its types

“Lordosis is a disorder of the lower spine that is excessively curved. This problem is one of the abnormalities in the spine that can happen to anyone.” Thedoctormedical , united states – Normally everyone's spine is slightly curved in the upper, lower back and neck. This natural mechanism works to help with several conditions. Starting from supporting the head area, keeping the head and pelvis aligned, helping to maintain body structure, and making it easier for the body to move and bend. However, when the spinal curvature is too deep, it can be a sign of lordosis. As a result, it is as if the spine is getting excessive pressure and triggering pain and discomfort. What is Lordosis? Lordosis refers to the normal natural lordotic curve of the body. But if the curve is too far inward, it is lordosis, or swayback . Lordosis can affect the lower back and neck and cause a number of problems. Starting from excess pressure on the spine, causing pain and discomfort. Apart from that, these

how to relieve stress

“Stress can cause physical and mental problems for sufferers. Some steps deal with relaxation techniques, such as breathing and meditation.” Thedoctormedical, united states – Stress is the body's reaction that appears automatically when there is pressure or a new situation. This problem occurs when the body releases two hormones called cortisol and adrenaline. As a result, you become unfocused and often forget. In addition, breathing also becomes faster. While physically, stress causes dizziness, nausea, weakness, diarrhea, palpitations, and tremors. One way to stop the symptoms is to practice muscle and mind relaxation techniques. In this way, the body will activate and issue appropriate responses to help overcome the symptoms. What is the Purpose of Relaxation Movement? Relaxation is a method that aims to improve and improve the health of the body and mind. This technique effectively lowers heart rate and makes blood circulation move more smoothly. In addition, this method is als