these are 4 natural ingredients for cleaning dirty intestines

 “Exposure to toxins from the food consumed daily can make the intestines dirty. This risks causing health problems, especially problems with the digestive system."

Jakarta – The intestine is part of the digestive system which has an important role. Therefore, health and cleanliness must always be maintained. The health of the digestive tract affects the overall condition of the body. 

Daily consumption of food and drinks can make the intestines dirty and exposed to many toxins. This must be overcome through methods of cleansing the intestines, either by taking medication or carrying out certain treatments. 

For those of you who don't have much time or feel reluctant to take medication, don't worry! 

Because, cleaning the intestines can also be done naturally with simple ingredients that are easy to obtain. 

Cleaning the Intestine with Natural Ingredients at Home 

Dirty intestines due to too much exposure to toxins can be recognized by several symptoms, such as feeling tired easily, frequent stomach aches, long-term digestive disorders, and becoming easily sick. 

To overcome this, there are several ways to clean the intestines that can be done with natural ingredients at home. Here are some materials that can be used: 

1. Drink Enough Water 

Drinking enough water every day can be one way to smooth the digestive tract, so it will have an impact on cleansing the intestines. The best water choice is plain water or mineral water. 

Adults are advised to drink at least 8 glasses or around 2 liters of water every day. Also complete it by consuming foods that contain lots of fluids. 

2. Lemons 

The second natural ingredient that can be used to clean the intestines is lemon. This fruit, which has a sour taste, is known to have "cleaning" abilities, including cleaning the digestive tract. 

Mix lemon with water or herbal tea, then drink it regularly so that your intestines and digestion become healthier. 

3. Salt Water 

Drinking salt water is also said to be a way of detoxification, aka removing toxins from the body. You can try mixing 2 teaspoons of salt with a glass of water, then drink it on an empty stomach.

This solution works by cleaning the intestines and eliminating it through urine, so you may urinate more often. 

4. Fiber Rich Foods 

Eating foods that contain lots of fiber can also help. It's no longer a secret, fiber is an important intake in maintaining the health and smoothness of the human digestive system. 
